Tuesday 5 May 2009

Keep on walking, baby.

I don't know if anyone else watched Compulsion on ITV1 last night, but I did and it gave me so weird nightmares.

It was so strange. We were staying at someone's house, I don't know where, but as dreams go that's fairly normal. We were all sleeping on different sofa type beds in this room and I was having a nightmare. Strangely, I knew I was. I couldn't open my eyes but I could hear what was going on around me. This man, I don't know who he was, but he reached over from his bed and put his hand on my arm, presumably trying to wake me up. It worked and I woke and rolled over. For some reason I reached out to him. I don't know why, maybe for comfort from the nightmare. I only really expected him to touch my hand and then we'd both go to sleep but he pulled me onto his sofa. At that point someone came in, they were kind of patrolling. This man held me so I couldn't move or say anything. I don't know what he did to me, I can't remember. But the dream goes on. In the morning I go to work and check the emails and there is one there from the man about what had happened, at this point I'm scared out of my wits. Work then magically transforms into The Royal and as I walk out this door the man is next to me and he asks me if I got the e-mail. I'm terrified and I try to get away from him.

The rest of the dream is spent not being believed by my family over what happened. I try to show them the email but the man has changed it somehow to read something else. So no one believes me, and they are all on his side. This causes me to run away but I can't run very fast. At one point I am in Selfridges at work and there is a bull running round. The guy I work with is trying to hold it back and I climb up onto one of the tables to try and get away from it. Another bit was that we were walking along this path and there were bulls running down and you had to dodge them, and then we took a shortcut somewhere, but I wasn't sure where we were going.

It was weird, and it's left me feeling icky and sad today.

Oh well, that is all.

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