Saturday 29 December 2007

So why don't you slide?

I had the nicest dream about you last night. I was supposed to go out with this guy, but he wasn't very nice, and you offered to drive us. You said something to him and he let us go together and you took me to this restaurant. It got as far as paying some sort of charge but then I woke up. I was so depressed when I woke up. I only want to spend my time with you, as pathetic as that sounds.

In the dream I wore this dress and you told me I looked beautiful and you linked my arms. You were wearing a suit, you looked perfect.

Man, I wish you weren't so far away. I don't even know if you're in Wolverhampton at the moment. All I know is that I miss you. So much. I'm so close to e-mailing you but I know that you don't think we should talk properly until I'm 18. It's just so far away, and what if it's too late. What then?

Man, only idiots fall in love with...people like you. But dammnit I have and I wish you read this blog.

Friday 21 December 2007

Can You Pretend I'm Amazing?

I love this song so much, I'm gonna share it with you all.

Amazing - Blue October

How am I supposed to breathe?
I try to relax. I touch your still frame
So I can watch you closer
And study the ways I believe I belong to you
I scratch at your waist line... your doll hair
I dig up the thought of how your eyes glow
So I make you my religion, my collision, an escape goat
So have I found your secret weak spot, baby?

Can you pretend I'm amazing?
I can pretend I'm amazing...
Instead of what we both know
I cut to the punch line baby
Can you pretend I'm amazing
Instead of what we both know

Now our history is for sale
And for that I apoligize
You see you're my only know how
The study of when I believe I belonged to you
You see I've made you into something delicious,
My sweet ghost
So have I found your secret weak spot, baby?

Great lyrics, Great song. Download it. Now.

Thursday 20 December 2007

I take it all back...

Does exactly what it does on the tin. I'm sorry I was shit with you up til now. There's so much I didn't say, but I think I said enough. I hope I did.

Keep in touch

Thursday 13 December 2007



After a productive college mag we came up with this very fetching picture.


It's Ganfald, Init!



Tuesday 11 December 2007

Blogging about other people blogging

I just caught the start of the documentary on Channel 4 about the lady who decided to blog about her sex-life. I would link you but I have better things to do and if you Google 'Girl with a one track mind' then you shall find it there.

It was just interesting to see what other people blog about. It was just something I found amusing, I really have nothing of worth to say about the subject.

Ahem. Moving on.

I am going to Poland on Monday. Can't wait. Me and Rin are gonna sex up the Polish boys (see, there was a point to the start of this post). I guess I'm just restless and need something to do and here I am.

It's odd. There's this guy in the year above me at college and I am fascinated by him. Don't ask me why because I couldn't tell you. The only thing I can think of is he looks vaguely like Gerard Way. But I don't fancy him, no. I just like to look at him. Like an ornament. I don't even know his name. I don't really care, I just think he's pretty. It's very odd. He sat in front of me on the bus and I stared at his head for the whole journey. He has really nice, long black hair. It's a very strange occurence.

My drama teacher lost yet another one of my coursework sheets. AGAIN. Eejit. He lost my other one too and after claiming that he didn't lose things he eventually found it. GIMP.


Am gonna end this here. :)

Saturday 8 December 2007

Having a Blink 182 moment

I miss you and if you ever cared you would be here.

But you're not, so you didn't.

I was just a chore to you, I get that now. Poor little depressed girl, have to do something so she doesn't kill herself. Urgh. I'm alone. I understand that now and I don't want anything more from you. Once I'd left I should've known you would forget as quickly as possible.