Monday 11 May 2009

I'm writing this half to purge the dream from my head and half because someone suggested it to me and it couldn't hurt to do it.

So last night's dream was a strange one. I only remember bits and bobs but here goes.

Before the main dream I had a series of mini dreams, if you like. They basically involved me waking up to members of my family coming into the house. At first it was my grandad and then it was my aunt and my two cousins. Nothing really happened that I can remember other than in the dream I woke up and heard them coming into the house.

The main dream is much stranger. I'm at this swimming pool, but I'm not swimming. I decide that I want to leave so I'm looking for an exit but all I see is people getting into what seem to be pull down drawers. All I can relate it to is what we put the cashbags in at work. You pull the handle down, slide the bag in and shut it, then pull it down to check that the bag has gone. In the dream there is priest standing next to these drawer things and people are getting in and the priest is shutting the drawer and then opening it and the people are gone. I walk up to one of them and ask the priest if that is the only way out and he says yes. I watch as about four people cram into this thing and he shuts it but as he pulls it back open I can see that they are stuck, and he pushes it again and they go. I say to him that I don't want to get in one of them, that I am scared of getting stuck in it and suffocating. He says that it's the only way out so I run off looking for another exit.

I find an emergency exit and push through it and all these alarms go off. I carry on running but for some reason I am suddenly Sasha from Hollyoaks. In the soap she is involved with this guy called Warren and he is in the dream. We are on the run, but we are kind of like terrorists, and Warren takes this kid and binds him in the sleeping bag type contraption and hangs him above some railways lines. We then decide to run off but I'm back as me again.

We run into this town and it's kind of like an old cobbled high street. As we move up this hill there are these people in contamination suits and they are spraying everyone with this pink liquid. I walk up to one of them and she says to me that there is a herpes epidemic and that what they are spraying is going to cure us. At that point I put my hand up to my mouth and I feel what is like a coldsore on the corner of my mouth.

As these people are spraying us people are trying to leave the town, saying something like people are starting to kill each other or something. I'm running down all of these backstreets and eventually I come to this park that used to be where I lived. The park is in two sections. One is the sections for young kids and the other is the section for older kids. Me, my mum, my dad and my sister are in the section for young kids which has a hut and some baby swings. And my aunt, my uncle, my grandad and my two cousins are in the section for older kids which has a climbing frame and some swings.

It's implied that we have this virus which makes us kill each other and we're supposed to keep to our own sections. When we go to sleep we're afraid that someone might come over from the other side and kill us so we both elect someone to stand guard. My dad is the guard from our side and my grandad is the guard from the other. For some reason, the next day, we have to fight each other but the people on the other side are no longer my family.

The guy I have to fight is kind of like a minotaur. The fight consists of me sitting in the adult swing and swinging while trying to kick out at him and kill him, while he has to try and grab and kill me. So I'm swinging on this swing and kicking out but I can't hit him and he keeps trying to grab me but I swing out of the way. While this is happening I am terrified that I am going to die but kind of resigned to it because either way I'm going to die. After a while of trying to kill each other the minotaur gives up and asks this guy in an Iron Maiden t-shirt to do it for him. I go back to swinging and get a couple of kicks in but he can't get to me. He says something about my swinging technique and how it is superior, so this minotaur guy gets really angry and tells me to kill the guy in the Maiden shirt. So I start kicking him.

Then I wake up to find myself kicking out at this guy trying to kill him.

I'm gonna go and look for some interpretations now and if I find anything significant I will edit this post and put it down.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Wow. Suggests to me that you want to run away from your problems, but you can't; you always end up as yourself again. And the bit about fighting the minotaur suggests that you can fight your depression. You've just gotta work at it, keep going, even if it feels like it's doing nothing to help.
But of course to check it out properly is good. I have a dream interpretation book if you'd like to borrow it :)