Friday 10 July 2009

I'm starting to feel we stayed together out of fear of dying alone

Have you ever read the original Little Mermaid story? In fact, have you ever read any of the real fairytales? The ones before Disney morphed them and gave them happy endings.

Today, I feel like a realised something terrible about the world. I realised that no one ever gets there happy ending. Take Torchwood, for example, because that is the first thing that comes to mind. Things can never be left happy. People die, or do terrible things, or leave other people behind. Now isn't that just a wonderful reflection on life? Never has the door closed and the phrase '...and they lived happily ever after' rang true. I look at my parents, at my mother and her alcoholism and bitterness towards my father, and I know then that no one can ever be truly happy.

Things fuck up, things get ruined. Like a lot of girls I grew up on Disney, but they miss out the worst parts. In the original Little Mermaid, she not only loses her voice but every step she takes is pure agony, and she doesn't even get the guy! He's in love with someone else. The only good and decent thing about it is she does not take the opportunity to kill him to become a mermaid again. She'd rather end her own life. It still sucks for her though, she's still hurt.

I'm not sure why I'm posting this. Mostly because I am angry. Angry at myself for ever believing in happy endings. Angry at the world for not providing them. I feel like it is hopeless. Totally hopeless. And I may sound cynical and morbid, but at this point in time, it's the truth.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

But TLM becomes a Daughter of the Air, and leaves knowing that the prince is happy :) But it's still sad, what she had to go through, how every step she took was like a knife through her feet, but then it's not like she didn't know that. She knew it would be painful and she knew it wouldn't be easy and did it anyway. But then I don't think she chose to end her own life either, I think it just ended the day the prince married the convent girl :(

Anyway, yes, Torchwood really sucks right now. And Ianto was one of those people who really deserved to be happy :( I suppose the only good thing was that he got to tell Jack he loved him, and Jack promised he would never forget Ianto. :)

And it isn't pointless to believe in happy endings. If you were pessimistic all the time you'd never go after things in life, you wouldn't have any good experiences at all. So I wouldn't give up just yet. I just think of it more in the fact that while overall our lives may not be completely happy, I'd still want to look back and remember some happy parts of them.

*big hugs* :) :) :)