Thursday 29 January 2009

There's something that I can't quite explain.

Have you ever felt sad for no reason at all?
I'm kind of feeling like this at the moment. It's like someone has tied a weight to my ankle and asked me to wade through custard. I feel slow, almost to the point that I feel lost.

Shall I tell you about my day? Moreover, do you want to hear about it?

Well, if you do I will tell you.

I woke up at 7:38am. This is late for me. An hour later to be precise. My alarm was due to go off at 7:40am but I snoozed after it went off til 7:50am. I'm quite a precise person. I like to know when I'm getting up, roughly what time I will be out of the shower and what time I will be dressed and ready to leave the house. I hate being late for things; it makes me anxious.
I got to college about 9:30am. I couldn't get a computer until 10am, which sucked but I went to the JCR and bought some polos and a drink.

How dull is this? I'll just cut it short here.

Basically now I am back home watching Terry Wogan's Perfect Recall (which no-one ever wins) and wanting so much to go out and have a couple of drinks. My friend called me on the way to the gym and asked if I wanted to go out but I didn't get the message until a while later and I have tried calling her and got nothing back. Pah, who cares?

I've been thinking about the scary prospect of university. I am pretty much set on going to Hull University and having my second choice as Plymouth. I really want to get away from Wolverhampton. I want to leave nearer to the sea. I want to meet new people.

You know, I have rambled on for so long and not actually said anything. Something that went right today; I got my bus pass back, which means now I can get around for free instead of paying £3.30 for a day saver, which I think is horribly extortionate.

Anyhow, I shall be back.


1 comment:

Jazz said...

Awh. I want to get away too. We'll get away soon enough, and see the world. "There must be more than this provincial life..." :) x x x