Wednesday 7 January 2009

I was looking for beauty...

I wrote a new poem and wasn't sure where to share it. I wasn't sure who to share it with. So I guess I'll put it here so I can share it with everyone/anyone.

If you're reading this: enjoy.

I saw God in mitosis,
he told me that it’s not

always as it seems.
The boats on the ocean floor are

full of mermaids. Starfish eyes on Broadway
and coral perms.
He laughed –
It sounded like waves against a rock.


It's not supposed to be a serious piece. Just something from the crazed recesses that exist in my mind.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Hey, I like it! I'm not sure what God in mitosis would look like. Split, possibly? I guess I need to look over some biology :) But the mermaids and "starfish eyes on Broadway" reminded me of the Little Mermaid, of course (especially the stage version) although I'd say that wasn't what you were getting at. But still. I like it a lot. And I'd like to talk to God. :)