Monday 7 July 2008

What you feel is what you are.

Long time, no speak amigos! Things have been very strange over the past few weeks.

I passed my driving test, woop! I am now a legal, albeit very nervous, driver. I don't really like driving if I'm honest, it puts me on edge and makes me feel like I'm gonna die. So, I'm trying to drive only when it's essential. I would like my own car though.

Me, Rin and her family went to Amsterdam over the weekend. It was proper wicked. Would really like to go back again but I need to get a job. I'm so tired.

It's odd. I'm actually lost for words today. I want to be able to say something poetic and beautiful but I really can't find any words to describe how I feel. I mean, principally I'm OK. I just feel a bit melancholy now and again. I get sad that things are changing and I can't stop them. That I might not see certain people again. But at least I know that things aren't as bad as I thought they were. It's funny how a shred of something can change things just a tiny bit, make you feel that tiny bit better. Eye contact, fabulous.

Summer 2008 is upon us, not that you would know it. Going to Latitude in two weeks, looking forward to that, I hope the weather is nice though.

I really don't know what to say today, I just thought I would update a little bit.

Loves x

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