Tuesday 23 October 2007


I figured I could write this here since no-one really reads it, so no-one will ask me about it.

I miss him. I didn't a few weeks ago but now he's got in my head and he plain just refuses to bugger off. I dreamt about him last night, and it wasn't a lovely romantic "...and they lived happily ever after" dream either. It was horrible. We were arguing but he was behind this window and I was on the outside, and I couldn't see his face. God, I haven't seen his face in so long. I've seen him, yes. But always from inside a car or ages away. I hope he hasn't forgotten about me.

Damn it! I just wish things were simpler. I wish I didn't think about him and when I did think about him it didn't hurt like hell. Damn, I'm so whiny. Someone shoot me and tell me to get over it? God's sake.

If you're reading this, you'll know who you are. Just a note for you to get out of my head, please.

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